How to End a Presentation: 10 Powerful Closers and Strategies

You want to persuade your audiences with your business presentation and leave a lasting impression on them. It is important to effectively communicate your overall message. It’s not just about wrapping up presentations; it’s about reinforcing the key takeaways and ensuring that your presentation slides resonate long after you’ve left the stage. Transition words are crucial for persuasion. The way presenters end their presentations, especially the last slide, can greatly impact the overall effectiveness and persuasion of their message.

So, how do presenters end presentations in a way that truly sticks with the audience? The answer is to engage the speakers and provide a memorable conclusion. From using compelling stories and quotes to incorporating interactive elements and calls to action, we’ll cover various techniques that will elevate your presentations’ closing moments. These techniques will have a powerful effect on your audience, making your presentation slides more engaging and impactful.

Get ready to transform your presentations from good to unforgettable as we dive into these practical examples of how presenters can end a speech like a pro. These tips will help you create impactful slides and engage your audience, making you one of the most captivating speakers in the room. Let’s get started!

Reinforce Main Points with Impactful Phrases

To truly leave a lasting impression on your audience, it’s crucial for speakers and presenters to reinforce their main points with impactful phrases. Here’s a tip: incorporate powerful speech to captivate your listeners. By using memorable quotes, employing strong language, and crafting concise and impactful statements, speakers can drive home their key messages and make them stick in the minds of their listeners. This is important for the success of their speech, as well as for the work of presenters.

Use Memorable Quotes to Emphasize Important Ideas

Quotes have a way of capturing the essence of a speaker’s speech in a succinct and powerful manner, reflecting their work and the thoughts that occupy their mind. Incorporating relevant quotes into your speech can help emphasize important ideas and leave a lasting impact on your audience. As a speaker, it is important to carefully select quotes that align with the message you want to convey. By including quotes from experts in your field of work, you can add credibility to your speech and strengthen your arguments. Additionally, using quotes can make your speech more engaging and memorable for your audience. However, it is crucial to be cautious of phishing attempts when sourcing quotes online. Always verify the authenticity of the source before including it in your speech to ensure accurate and reliable information. Look for quotes from renowned individuals or experts in the field that align with the message you want to convey during your speech. This will make you a credible speaker and help prevent phishing attempts.

For example, if you’re giving a speech about leadership, you might include a quote from Steve Jobs: “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” This speech not only reinforces the importance of innovation but also adds credibility to your message by referencing someone widely respected for their leadership skills.

Employ Strong Language to Drive Home Key Messages

The power of speech lies in the words we choose. These words have the ability to evoke emotions, create vivid imagery, and leave a lasting impression. To end your speech on a high note, employ strong language that resonates with your audience. Use action verbs, descriptive adjectives, powerful adverbs, and speech to add impact to your statements.

Instead of saying “Our speech product is good,” opt for “Our speech product is exceptional” or “Our speech product exceeds expectations.” The use of stronger terms elevates the perceived value of what you’re presenting and leaves a stronger impression on your listeners.

Examples of Effective Presentation Conclusions

Utilizing Storytelling Techniques for a Memorable Ending

In order to leave a lasting impression on your audience and end your speech on a high note, it’s important to utilize storytelling techniques that engage and captivate your listeners. By incorporating a compelling narrative arc, creating relatable characters and situations, and ensuring that your story aligns with the main theme of your speech, you can create an ending that resonates with your audience.

Engage the audience through a compelling narrative arc

One effective way to end a presentation is by crafting a compelling narrative arc that takes your audience on a journey. This storytelling technique helps to maintain their attention and keep them engaged until the very end. Start by introducing a problem or challenge at the beginning of your presentation, then build up tension as you present various solutions or ideas. Finally, provide a resolution or conclusion that ties everything together.

For example, if you’re giving a presentation about overcoming obstacles in business, you could start by sharing a personal anecdote about facing adversity. As you progress through your presentation, share different strategies for overcoming challenges based on real-life examples or case studies. Finally, conclude with an inspiring story about how you successfully overcame a major obstacle in your own career.

Create relatable characters and situations in your story

To make your story more impactful and memorable, it’s important to create relatable characters and situations that resonate with your audience. By using vivid descriptions and evocative language, you can paint a picture in their minds that captures their attention and makes them emotionally invested in the outcome of the story.

Engaging the Audience and Eliciting a Response

To truly end your presentation on a high note, it’s crucial to engage your audience and elicit a response from them. Here are some effective strategies to captivate their attention and leave a lasting impression.

Ask thought-provoking questions to stimulate audience participation

One powerful way to engage your audience is by asking thought-provoking questions that encourage them to think critically and actively participate in the discussion. By posing questions related to the main theme or key points of your presentation, you can prompt audience members to reflect on their own experiences or perspectives. This not only grabs their attention but also creates an interactive atmosphere where everyone feels involved.

Conduct interactive activities or polls during the conclusion

Another engaging technique is to incorporate interactive activities or polls into your presentation’s conclusion. These activities can be as simple as asking the audience to raise their hands in response to specific questions or using digital polling tools for real-time feedback. By involving your audience directly, you make them an active part of the presentation rather than passive observers. This not only keeps their attention focused but also provides valuable insights that can enhance the overall impact of your message.

Encourage audience members to share their own experiences or insights

Creating space for audience members to share their own experiences or insights is an excellent way to foster engagement and generate meaningful discussions. During the conclusion of your presentation, invite individuals from the audience to contribute by sharing relevant anecdotes, examples, or thoughts related to the topic at hand. This not only adds variety and depth but also taps into the collective wisdom of those present in the room.

Call to Action: Encouraging Further Engagement

After delivering a compelling presentation, it’s crucial to clearly state what action you want your audience to take next. By providing specific instructions on how they can follow up or get involved, you can maximize the impact of your presentation and ensure that your message resonates with your audience. Here are some effective strategies for creating a strong call to action (CTA) that encourages further engagement:

Clearly State the Next Step

Make sure you explicitly communicate the next step you want your audience to take. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, scheduling a meeting, or making a purchase, be direct and concise in conveying the desired action. For example, say something like “Sign up now for our monthly newsletter” or “Contact our sales team to schedule a demo.” By being clear about the desired outcome, you make it easier for your audience to understand what they need to do.

Provide Additional Resources and Opportunities

In addition to stating the next step, offer additional resources and opportunities for further engagement. This could include providing links to relevant articles or websites where they can learn more about the topic discussed in the presentation. You can also invite them to join online communities or social media groups where they can connect with like-minded individuals and continue the conversation. By offering these resources and opportunities, you demonstrate your commitment to providing value beyond the presentation itself.

Offer Incentives or Rewards

If applicable, consider offering incentives or rewards for taking action.

Final Tips for Ending Your Presentation

Keep it concise and avoid introducing new information at this stage

When wrapping up your presentation, it’s crucial to keep your closing remarks concise. Remember, you don’t want to overload your audience with new information or overwhelm them with lengthy explanations. Instead, focus on summarizing the key points you’ve covered throughout your presentation.

By avoiding the introduction of new information, you allow your audience to reflect on what they’ve learned without adding unnecessary confusion or distractions. Stick to the main takeaways and ensure that your conclusion aligns seamlessly with the content you’ve already presented.

Practice your conclusion multiple times for smooth delivery

Just like any other part of your presentation, practicing your conclusion is essential for a smooth and impactful delivery. Take the time to rehearse not only the body of your presentation but also how you will conclude it. This will help you become more comfortable with the flow and structure of your closing remarks.

Repetition is key here; by practicing multiple times, you’ll build confidence in delivering a cohesive and well-rounded ending. Pay attention to pacing, tone of voice, and body language during these practice sessions. The more familiar you become with the conclusion, the more natural and engaging it will feel when presenting in front of an audience.

Consider using visual aids such as slides or props to enhance impact

Visual aids can be powerful tools when concluding your presentation. They add a layer of visual appeal that reinforces key messages and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Reinforce Your Main Points

To end your presentation on a strong note, it’s crucial to reinforce your main points. This ensures that your audience leaves with a clear understanding of the key ideas you’ve discussed. Here are some effective strategies to help you reinforce your main points:

Summarize key ideas in a clear and concise manner

In your conclusion, provide a brief summary of the main points you’ve covered throughout your presentation. Keep it concise and straightforward, highlighting the most important aspects of your talk. By summarizing your key ideas, you help solidify them in the minds of your audience.

Use visual cues like bullet points or diagrams to aid understanding

Visual cues can be powerful tools for reinforcing your main points. Consider using bullet points or diagrams to visually represent the key concepts you’ve discussed. This not only aids comprehension but also adds visual interest to your conclusion. Visuals can leave a lasting impact on your audience and make it easier for them to remember the core message of your presentation.

Repeat important phrases or concepts throughout your conclusion

Repetition is an effective technique for reinforcing information and making it stick in people’s minds. Throughout your conclusion, strategically repeat important phrases or concepts from earlier in your presentation. By doing so, you emphasize their significance and ensure they are firmly ingrained in the minds of your listeners.

For example:

  • If one of the main points of your presentation was “The importance of teamwork,” reiterate this phrase when summarizing at the end.
  • If you highlighted specific benefits associated with implementing new technology, remind the audience about those benefits during the conclusion.

Defining the Specific Purpose of Your Presentation

To end a presentation effectively, it is crucial to clearly define the specific purpose of your talk from the beginning. By doing so, you can ensure that your conclusion aligns seamlessly with the objectives you set out to achieve. Here are some key points to consider when defining the purpose of your presentation:

Clearly state what you aim to achieve with your presentation

Before diving into the content of your presentation, take a moment to clearly articulate what you hope to accomplish by the end. Are you trying to persuade your audience to take a specific action? Do you want to inform them about a particular topic or issue? Or perhaps your goal is simply to entertain and engage them. Whatever it may be, make sure that this purpose is evident throughout your entire presentation.

Focus on a specific goal or objective throughout your talk

To keep your audience engaged and focused, it is essential to have a clear and specific goal in mind for your presentation. This will help guide both the structure and content of your talk, ensuring that every element contributes towards achieving that objective. For example, if your goal is to convince investors to fund a project, all aspects of your presentation should be tailored towards showcasing its potential profitability and feasibility.

Align your conclusion with the purpose you defined earlier

As you approach the conclusion of your presentation, make sure that it ties back neatly to the purpose you defined earlier. This will provide a sense of closure for both you as the presenter and for your audience.

The Pitfall of Ending with a Q&A Session

Avoid ending abruptly after a Q&A session without a proper conclusion

One common pitfall is to conclude the session abruptly after the Q&A session. While engaging in a Q&A session can be valuable for addressing audience questions and concerns, it is crucial not to overlook the importance of providing a proper conclusion. Failing to do so can leave your audience feeling unsatisfied or confused about the key takeaways from your presentation.

To avoid this pitfall, make sure you allocate sufficient time for both the Q&A session and the conclusion. It’s essential to strike a balance between allowing ample time for questions while still reserving enough time to wrap up your presentation effectively. By doing so, you ensure that your audience receives closure and leaves with a clear understanding of the main points you wanted to convey.

Keep track of time to ensure you have enough for both Q&A and conclusion

Keeping track of time is crucial when planning your presentation. It’s easy to get carried away during the Q&A session and inadvertently eat into the time allocated for your conclusion. To prevent this from happening, set clear boundaries for yourself regarding how much time you will devote to answering questions.

One effective strategy is to establish specific time limits for each question or allocate an overall timeframe for the entire Q&A session. This way, you can manage expectations and ensure that you have enough time left at the end of the session to deliver a well-rounded conclusion.

Examples of Effective Conclusions

Using Storytelling Techniques

Crafting a compelling narrative is one of the most effective strategies to end a presentation. By incorporating storytelling techniques, you can captivate your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression. Here are some ways to use storytelling effectively:

Craft a Compelling Narrative

Storytelling is a powerful tool. By weaving together a story that resonates with your audience, you can create an emotional connection and make your message memorable. Start by identifying the key message or takeaway you want to convey and build your story around it.

For example, let’s say you’re giving a presentation on the importance of teamwork in achieving business goals. You could begin by sharing an anecdote about a time when your team faced a significant challenge and how they overcame it through collaboration and support. This personal experience will engage your audience and demonstrate the power of teamwork.

Incorporate Vivid Descriptions and Sensory Details

To make your storytelling more engaging, incorporate vivid descriptions and sensory details into your presentation. Paint a picture with words, allowing your audience to visualize the scene and feel immersed in the story. Use descriptive language that appeals to their senses – sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.

For instance, if you’re presenting about an adventure travel experience, describe the breathtaking view from the mountaintop or the exhilarating rush of adrenaline as you zip-lined through lush forests. By using sensory details, you can transport your audience into the moment and create an emotional connection.

Defining the General Purpose of Your Presentation

To deliver an impactful presentation, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of its general purpose. This ensures that you stay focused and effectively communicate your message to the audience. Let’s explore some key steps in defining the general purpose of your presentation.

Identify the Overall Objective or Intention Behind Your Presentation

Before diving into the content creation process, take a moment to reflect on why you’re giving this presentation. Ask yourself what you hope to achieve and what outcome you desire from your audience. Are you aiming to inform, persuade, entertain, or inspire? Identifying the overall objective will provide a solid foundation for structuring your presentation.

For example, if you’re presenting a sales pitch for a new product, your objective might be to persuade potential clients to make a purchase. On the other hand, if you’re delivering a training session, your goal could be to educate participants on specific skills or knowledge.

Determine What You Want Your Audience to Gain from Listening to You

Consider what value you want your audience to derive from attending your presentation. Think about their needs, interests, and expectations. Do they need information that will help them make informed decisions? Are they seeking inspiration or motivation? Understanding their perspective will enable you to tailor your content accordingly.

For instance, if you’re speaking at a conference about sustainable living practices, your audience may expect practical tips they can implement in their daily lives. By addressing their concerns and providing actionable advice, you can ensure that they leave with tangible takeaways.

Asking Rhetorical and Open-ended Questions

To truly engage your audience and leave a lasting impression, it’s essential to incorporate thought-provoking questions into your presentation. By posing rhetorical and open-ended questions, you can stimulate curiosity, encourage reflection, and foster active participation from your listeners.

Pose Thought-Provoking Questions

One effective way to captivate your audience is by asking thought-provoking questions that challenge their assumptions and provoke deeper thinking. These types of questions are designed to make people pause, reflect, and consider different perspectives. For example:

  • “Have you ever wondered what our world would be like if we embraced failure as a stepping stone to success?”
  • “Can you imagine the possibilities if we let go of fear and embraced change instead?”

Such questions not only grab attention but also create a sense of intrigue. They invite the audience to explore new ideas and contemplate alternative viewpoints.

Engage the Audience

In addition to rhetorical questions, incorporating open-ended questions into your presentation can significantly enhance engagement with your audience. Open-ended questions require more than a simple yes or no response; they invite individuals to share their thoughts, experiences, or opinions on a given topic. By doing so, you tap into their knowledge base and make them feel valued as active participants in the discussion.

For instance:

  • “What strategies have you found effective in overcoming challenges?”
  • “How do you envision applying these concepts in your own lives?”

By inviting the audience to share their perspectives and insights, you create an inclusive environment where everyone feels involved.

Avoiding Overloading Your Final Slide

The last slide of your presentation is crucial in leaving a lasting impression on your audience. To ensure that you end your presentation effectively, it’s important to avoid overloading your final slide with excessive content. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Keep the Content Concise and Focused

When creating your final slide, it’s essential to keep the content concise and focused. Instead of cramming too much information onto one slide, aim for simplicity and clarity. Remember, less is more! By keeping the content minimal, you can effectively convey your main message without overwhelming your audience.

Limit Text and Use Visuals

One effective way to prevent overload on your final slide is by limiting the amount of text you include. Instead of writing lengthy paragraphs or bullet points, consider using visuals such as images, charts, or graphs to convey your message visually. Visuals not only make the information more digestible but also add an element of interest and engagement for your audience.

Create Bullet Points for Clarity

If you need to include some text on your final slide, opt for bullet points instead of lengthy sentences or paragraphs. Bullet points help break down complex information into bite-sized pieces that are easier for your audience to absorb and remember. By using bullet points strategically, you can highlight key takeaways or action points that you want your audience to remember after the presentation.

Highlight Only the Most Important Information

Your final slide should serve as a summary or conclusion of the main points discussed throughout your presentation.

Providing Contact Information to the Audience

One crucial aspect is providing contact information to the audience. This allows them to reach out if they have further questions or inquiries. Here are some effective ways to include your contact details and ensure that your audience can easily connect with you:

Include contact details on slides

One simple way to provide your contact information is by including it directly on your slides. You can add your email address or social media handles on one of the final slides of your presentation. This ensures that attendees have access to this information even after the presentation ends.


  • Convenient for the audience as they can easily note down or capture the contact details.
  • Provides a direct and immediate connection between you and the audience.


  • Some attendees may not be able to capture the information in time.
  • Contact details may not be visible or legible for all participants, especially in larger presentations.

Offer business cards or handouts

Another effective method is offering business cards or handouts with your contact information at the end of the presentation. This tangible item serves as a physical reminder for attendees to get in touch with you later.


  • Provides a professional touch and leaves a lasting impression.
  • Ensures that attendees have all necessary contact details readily available.


  • Not everyone may retain or keep track of physical items like business cards.
  • Additional cost and effort involved in printing business cards or preparing handouts.

Directly invite audience members

During your closing remarks, make sure to directly invite audience members to reach out if they have any further questions or inquiries.

Asking for Feedback from the Audience

Asking for feedback from your audience is a crucial step in ending your presentation on a high note. Not only does it show that you value their opinions, but it also provides an opportunity for you to improve as a speaker. Here are some effective ways to encourage audience members to provide feedback:

Offer Various Channels for Feedback

Make it easy for your audience to provide feedback by offering multiple channels for them to do so. This could include online surveys, comment cards, or even a dedicated email address where they can send their thoughts and comments. By providing different options, you cater to the preferences of different individuals and increase the likelihood of receiving valuable feedback.

Express Gratitude and Value Their Input

When asking for feedback, express genuine gratitude towards your audience members for taking the time to share their thoughts. Let them know that their input is highly valued and will be used constructively to improve future presentations. This not only shows respect towards your listeners but also encourages them to provide honest and detailed feedback.

Emphasize the Importance of Feedback

During your closing remarks, emphasize the importance of feedback in shaping future presentations. Explain how valuable insights from experts like them help you understand what worked well and what areas need improvement. By highlighting this significance, you create a sense of purpose around providing feedback and motivate individuals to share their thoughts.

Provide Clear Instructions

To make it easier for your audience members to provide feedback, provide clear instructions on how they can do so.

Closing Your Presentation with Style and Elegance

End with a memorable quote or impactful statement that resonates with the audience.

As you approach the end of your presentation, it’s important to leave a lasting impression on your audience. One effective way to do this is by closing with a memorable quote or impactful statement that resonates with them. This can be a powerful tool to reinforce your key message and inspire your listeners.

Consider using a quote from a well-known figure in your industry or from someone who has made a significant impact in the world. Choose something that aligns with the theme of your presentation and encapsulates the main takeaways you want your audience to remember. By ending on such a note, you create an emotional connection and leave your listeners feeling motivated and inspired.

Use body language and tone of voice to convey confidence and enthusiasm.

Non-verbal communication plays a crucial role in how your message is received. As you reach the closing moments of your presentation, make sure to use confident body language and an enthusiastic tone of voice. These elements will help convey your passion for the topic and engage your audience until the very end.

Stand tall, maintain an open posture, and use hand gestures purposefully to emphasize key points. A relaxed yet energetic delivery will captivate your listeners and keep their attention focused on what you have to say. Remember, enthusiasm is contagious – if you show genuine excitement about what you’re presenting, chances are your audience will feel it too.

Maintain eye contact with the audience during your final moments.

Expressing Gratitude to the Audience

After delivering a captivating presentation, it’s crucial to end on a positive note by expressing your gratitude to the audience. Taking a moment to thank everyone sincerely for their time and attention can leave a lasting impression and show your appreciation for their presence. Let’s explore some effective ways to express gratitude and wrap up your presentation in style.

Thanking the Audience Sincerely

One of the simplest yet most impactful ways to end your presentation is by offering a heartfelt thank you to the audience. Show genuine appreciation for their presence throughout your talk, emphasizing that their time and attention are valuable. By expressing sincere gratitude, you create a sense of connection with the audience and leave them feeling appreciated.

Acknowledging Specific Contributors

If there were specific individuals or groups who played a significant role in supporting your presentation, take a moment to acknowledge them. This could be someone who provided valuable insights, helped with research, or offered guidance along the way. By recognizing their contributions publicly, you not only show gratitude but also strengthen professional relationships.

Showing Appreciation for Engagement

Throughout your presentation, there may have been moments when members of the audience engaged with you through questions, comments, or active participation. It’s essential to recognize and appreciate this engagement as it demonstrates their interest and investment in the topic. Take a moment to express gratitude for their involvement and highlight how it enriched the overall experience.

Reflecting on Meaningful Moments

As you conclude your presentation, consider reflecting on any memorable or meaningful moments that occurred during your talk.

Presenting a Call to Action for Audience Engagement

Congratulations! You’ve now learned various strategies and techniques for ending your presentation on a high note. By reinforcing your main points with impactful phrases, utilizing storytelling techniques, and engaging the audience, you can leave a lasting impression. But don’t stop there! It’s time to take it one step further and present a call to action that encourages further engagement from your audience.

Think of your call to action as the grand finale of your presentation. It’s the moment where you inspire your audience to take action based on what they’ve learned from you. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, visiting your website, or implementing the ideas you’ve shared, make sure your call to action is clear, compelling, and easy to follow through on. Remember, the goal is not just to end your presentation but also to motivate your audience into taking the next steps towards achieving their goals.


How important is it to have a strong conclusion in a presentation?

A strong conclusion is crucial in leaving a lasting impact on your audience. It helps summarize key points, reinforce main ideas, and provide closure. A well-crafted conclusion also creates a memorable experience that can influence how people perceive and remember your presentation.

Should I include contact information in my presentation’s conclusion?

Including contact information in your conclusion is highly recommended as it allows interested individuals to reach out to you for further engagement or inquiries. Make sure to provide relevant details such as email addresses, social media handles, or website URLs so that attendees can easily connect with you after the presentation.

What are some effective ways of engaging the audience during the conclusion?

To engage the audience during the conclusion of your presentation, consider using interactive elements such as rhetorical questions or open-ended prompts that encourage participation. You can also share personal anecdotes or stories that resonate with them emotionally and make them feel connected to your message.

How can I avoid overloading my final slide with information?

To prevent overwhelming your audience with information on the final slide, keep it simple and concise. Focus on key takeaways or a visually compelling image that reinforces your main points. Remember, the goal is to leave a lasting impression, not bombard them with excessive details.

Is it appropriate to express gratitude to the audience at the end of a presentation?

Expressing gratitude to your audience is not only appropriate but also highly encouraged. It shows respect and appreciation for their time and attention.